Monday, May 9, 2016

Nails nail most beautiful heart shaped in love in 2016 for his girlfriend

Nails nail most beautiful heart shaped in love in 2016 

for his girlfriend incredibly cute lovely world. Often the heart is the symbol of love, a faithful son of the iron, but this has been inspired by the groundbreaking and unique bold style on the nail, which exudes a very beautiful appearance and radiant for her is love. With striking colors, fresh and shine, combined with heart-shaped motifs really honest and funny, sophisticated and innovative helped add summer nails and fancy fascinated than ever end. It can not ignore this ideal nail sample is not it.

Let's refer to the form  nail nails beautiful heart shape below for more hint.

With nail nail clippings most beautiful heart shape in 2016 for his girlfriend is in love above all she can confidently add to their style sweet. The girl is in love, is passionate emotions in the form sublimation heart foundation is choosing somewhere should not be overlooked. I wish she was always lovely charm and do not forget to accompany for more fashion trends offline.

Tip nail beauty nail care at home to help her nail the perfect property in 2016

Tip nail beauty nail care at home in 2016 we will introduce below will help her with healthy hands, white beautiful to be comfortable for themselves the beautiful nail like the best form, expressing perfect beautiful women.

Let's refer nail care tips at home to keep her beautiful property in 2016 inside the perfect nail below!

Limiting nail to work

If you regularly use the nail to pick vegetables, open cans, tap the phone number many ... should abandon this habit before it's too late. Instead, use a pen or other items instead.

When do the dishes, wash the dishes, clean the garden you should wear gloves to avoid direct contact with detergent because it is the cause of rough hands and nails hunter.

Nails properly trimmed to nail scratches

To protect your nails, it is important that you know the techniques properly trimmed nails. After trimming the nails to the shape desired, you should use tables for filing rough filings from both sides into the middle of the nail. Also, you should avoid the upper surface of the nail filing.
Do not soak your hands in hot water during the cold season

Use hot water in winter can make you feel comfortable, not cold, but if long soak in a hot nail to make them more easy to dry and cracked. Therefore, use moderately warm water and soak your hands in the water should not be too long of you.

Not to nail too long to limit breakage or scratch nail

Long nails look elegant but also more prone to fracture. Especially if you own weak nails should "sacrifice" a little length to restrain the natural nails scratched or broken.

Clean the nail to prevent infected body

These long nails often dirty and dusty intersection to another color. This unsanitary and harmful to health? Usually there are two cases, a body is not getting enough nutrients necessary for the foundation, two are in people who have the disease. It was two objects potentially dangerous microbes from entering the body. And it is dangerous when they continued to long fingernails.
More than 3 mm long nails susceptible to the harmful bacteria than 5 times the nails are cut short. Those who so painstakingly long nails should wash their hands, especially those who work regularly with chemicals or when out in public toilet. Or should manicures using the hand wash gel has high antibacterial components without water and soap there.

Moisturizing nails with hot water and dilute salt and nail conditioner

Once a week, soak nails, toenails in warm water with a little salt. Soak for about 10 minutes, use a soft cloth to dry. To work effectively nail care, you should use extra cream or Vaseline to nails your nails healthy, strong growth, and prevent dry, broken.
Before going to bed, you take a little olive oil and rub all used cotton on the nail. For about 5-10 minutes, gently massage your hands and rinse. This helps to increase blood circulation around the tip, giving softness. Manicure massage stimulates blood circulation to the area, stimulate nail growth and healthier. After hand washing, using hand massage moisturizer and nail.

For those who have thin and weak nails, you should soak for 10-15 minutes of pure olive oil every day, ongoing for about a month later, just 2 times a week will help your nails become healthier than.

Diet rich in vitamins A, B, C, Calcium helps nails from the inside

In addition to protecting and nail care, you also need a reasonable diet to provide adequate nutrition, feeding nails from within.

Vitamins needed to help synthesize nutrients healthy and shiny nails. Lack of vitamin A, vitamin C and calcium can cause brittle nails and dry. The addition of vitamins from fruits and vegetables in the daily menu is the simplest way to help keep your nails strong.

Foods such as peanuts, lentils, mushrooms and cauliflower are rich in vitamin B. This is a very good source of nutrients for the body, just make your skin against aging, and enhance the health of nails, pedicures always strong, healthy and shiny. Take this food supplement at least three or four times a week to grow strong nails. In addition to vitamins, you should eat more foods rich in calcium, protein in the daily diet for good for nails