Monday, May 11, 2015

5 tips to get strong nails

Nail huge impact on every person, so it is important to keep the nail clean, neat trimming and shiny.

Nail huge impact on every person, so it is important to keep the nail clean, neat trimming and shiny. Nail must remain strong. Healthy here means no broken nail, fractures, abrasions and if your nails with these problems, you should follow five small guide below to have a nail was "healthy".
1 Drinking water

Drinking nails and our skin needs hydration always, so it's important not to drink less than 2 liters of water a day. Nail hydrating properly you'll have a sure and nails stronger.
2 Eat fruits and vegetables that contain protein.

Strengthening the "health" of your nails by eating more fruits and vegetables contain protein like nuts. Eat more beans and you will see your nails grow stronger; more vegetables containing protein are excellent remedy to have a shiny hair, full of vitality.
3 Moisturize your nails

Besides hydrating nails "from within", you also need to use moisturizer nail. Apply moisturizer to your nails a couple of times / day to hydrate them rationally. Methods inexpensive nail moisturizers and most effective, it is using Vaseline. Try applying Vaseline after cleaning each nail, you will see results.
  4 Remove nail polish paint.
Ideally you should change hands paint polishing 1 time / 1 week.
5 Using additives for nail

  Do not forget the use of additives for the nail. Moreover it is best to apply additives before nail polish.

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