Thursday, July 16, 2015

How to Experiment With Nail Polish Colors

Do you have a weird personality? Good! Now you can show it on your nails!

Find as many colors as you want to put on your nails. You can choose bright colors, dark colors, or even colors that don't even match with each other!

Pick a nail to put it on one hand. Make a point to utilize every one of the hues.

Shading the base of the nail of your forefinger (on your left hand, for instance), then put another shading on the top. On the inverse hand, switch the hues (what was on top, put on the base). Do likewise with your thumb, pinky, and so forth.

Have a go at shading every nail with 2 or 3 hues. Simply paint a stripe in every shading.

Have a go at rotating hues. One finger pink, the following dark, and so on.

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