Friday, July 15, 2016

8 Ways to beautiful long nails fast and simple

You are struggling to find ways to fast, because long nails wants new nail sample is drawn out? These methods do fast long nails below were many women use and remarkably effective. Refer and choose yourself a simple method, easiest!
Nutritional supplements

Vitamin B and E are two special nutrients needed to implement long way to nail. So you need to regularly add to their food menu foods high in vitamins B and E.

The important nutrients for growth will be liberated through eating two vitamins. Nails will grow faster than normal and 25% if you use a dose of this nutrient regularly and often.

Hygiene nails with warm salt water

No need to use high-end cosmetics, hygiene just nail you with warm salt water every day. The salt helps nutrients in hygiene, nail care nail to grow faster and stronger. Every day, you spend 10-15 minutes to soak your hands in warm salt water and relax. This is also the period of time you can relax, forget about all the struggle, fatigue during the day.
Do not bite your nails

A bad habit without girlfriends should keep his party: biting fingernails. When nails are bitten, it will have more scratches; scratches will prevent, slow process that's long fingernails. Moreover, when you bite your nails is also self-destructive their length and nails.

Moving the nail

Many girls do not know that the hand motion is a quick way to long fingernails. According to several studies, the nails will grow out faster when performing motion more frequently and massage. Some daily activities seemed irrelevant (typing, finger movement) also makes long nails faster.

nails trimmed

To care closer to your nails, you should pay attention to their lots. The nails scratched and fiber should be neatly trimmed, the new fast long. Because scratches that would slow the rapid long nails. Although nail clippers will go a bit shorter but thanks remove hangnails that long nails will return very quickly.

Apply nail cream

Nail Cream is an integral part of her as nail care. When applying moisturizer, you should gently massage the cream to be absorbed into the skin and nails better, helps nails grow faster.

Nail care with olive oil

After a few applications, nail polish, your nails need time to rest and replenishes. Olive oil and lemon juice is a great recipe for the rapid development of the foundation. As a natural foundation cream, you should take them after all the cleaning, nail trimming ... gently massage the fingers the same mixture of olive oil and lemon juice. Surely your nails will grow out very quickly.
Dry your hands after washing

Many of you said that hand washing was a clean stage and help nails grow faster then. However, to the best developed nails, you should dry your hands immediately after washing; do not let your hands dry. If natural dry hands and nails will become very soft and weak, easy to break and difficult long scratch.

Above are some of our suggestions for ways to quickly and long nails extremely simple. If she wants to quickly get to own a set of long fingernails, just apply this formula within 15 days, your nails will be completely different.

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