Friday, July 1, 2016

How to care for brittle nails at home

Brittle nails, brittle makes you feel uncomfortable and sometimes painful because the nail flip or deep fractures while working. Adiva the following ways to help you take care mystique brittle nails stronger.

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Normal nails, toenails grow continuously throughout life, every month from 3 to 5 mm long. Fingernails grow faster than toenails twice or three times. Nail changes and damage to the body of some diseases such as white spots on the nails can be due to zinc deficiency, liver disease or kidney disease ...

And brittle nails can be caused by: Lack of iron, Raynaud's disease, frequent contact with detergents, paint nails, nail fungus. Depending on your living conditions to find out how to overcome the brittle nails.

Besides, the following ways are limited and nourish nails brittle nails increasingly strong over.

Changing the menu

Diet affects a lot to the health of your nails. Nutrition experts have noted that biotin deficiency is one of the reasons for your nails brittle. Therefore, the addition of biotin-rich foods like salmon, peanut or cauliflower and especially bananas should be a daily habit.

Also people suffering from brittle nails should also complement protein and sulfur. As chicken protein and less fat and egg yolk are rich in sulfur, minerals that help balance the body's acid-alkaline.

If you can not change the menu you can supplement the nutrients needed by multivitamins.

Chemical exposure limited

Exposure to harsh chemicals or cleaning chemicals in soaps, lotions make toilet ... horny layer of corroded nails and makes nails soft, weak and brittle.

To fix broken nails due to the effects of chemicals should use gloves when doing housework required to use detergents. Then wash your hands with diluted salt water and use hand lotion immediately after the work is completed.

Do not use acetone wash water

When water detergent acetone nail polish nails paint strippers will bring natural horny layer on the nail. Nail made opaque phenomenon, not keep inherent gloss. The more acetone, your nails will increasingly see more brittle and weak.

Should avoid nail polish remover with acetone and weekly. If you want to change the color of the nail often use nail paint quickly and change flight within two weeks / times.
Not for too long nails

Raising cutting nails too long and sharp nails also cause weak and prone to fracture horizontal or upside down, causing pain. With long nails too brittle to the fingertips of about 5 mm, round or squarish nail clippers and nail files should not be used to skim off the nail.

Do not wash your hands too much

If you frequent hand washing or soaking your hands in the water longer makes you stay in state hands wet, wrinkled skin, the finger also soften nails, brittle if unfortunately certain incidents.

Brittle nails who should keep them dry and should not be used hand-washing liquid containing caustic soda or bleach. Hands should be washed with diluted lemon juice or diluted salt water to protect the foundation.
Soak nails in olive oil

Nails become brittle when experiencing dry weather or dehydration due to lack of oil and sweat glands do not perform well. At this time, moisten the nails is very important.

Soak your nails with olive oil before going to bed 10 minutes, performed 3 times / week will help improve the state of breakage. This inexpensive way that helps nails become stronger.

Drink a lot of water

One main reason that nails brittle, mainly due to lack of moisture. Drink 8 glasses of water per day enough to help nail and hand skin maintain moisture necessary. Besides, the weak nails regularly use hand lotion with natural moisturizing ingredients like milk, aloe, black lines.

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